The LionHead Way

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lh quote

People always talk about their after-work life… plans to vacation, to downsize and move to a beautiful place.  The fear I had was that time would fly by and one day I would look in the mirror at the face of a 65-year-old who was still just talking about the future.  In the spring and summer of 2012 Ann, my wife and friend since 1976, and I talked about living in Colorado, but those talks were just talks.  We were way too busy with life to actually do anything about these dreams.  But I had two angels help awaken me to the idea of the 3rd third.

Figuring that I might live to be 75 and still be relatively healthy to enjoy daily life, I started to think of my overall life as 3 thirds.  The 1st third was growing up, learning the ropes, living without a care, having a blast and basically being fairly self-centered about my small world.  The 2nd third was focused upon settling down, raising a family, creating stability, developing a career and still having plenty of “adult fun”.  Then somewhere during my mid 50s I started thinking about starting my last or 3rd third.  So here I sat at 55 and it was funny to revisit my life and think of it as two distinctive but yet combined lives and now it felt like there was another chapter or 3rd third left to live.  I thank God for my two angels.

Tom Harvath, an old friend from my days at Cannon Design, died suddenly of a stroke on Memorial Day weekend in 2012.  He was simply gone with tearful family and friends left behind.  Tom had plans for his life after work, but after a long week of working and traveling he was just gone.  Tom had a great life but he had more to give us and enjoy himself.  His passing was a wakeup call for me.  Within a week after attending Tom’s memorial service Ann and I booked tickets to Colorado and we started investigating land options online and during our visit in Colorado that October we bought our property.  Love you and miss you Tom and thanks for starting my 3rd third.

My second angel was Greg Smith, a friend I met when Clayco was selected to partner with the Baltimore Ravens.  On Thanksgiving Day in 2013 Greg passed away after a short battle with cancer in his bed surrounded by his family.  (Greg is looking down and probably making at joke at my expense right now.)  When I found out, laying in my own bed the day after Thanksgiving, I became more resolved to push harder than ever on making our Colorado dream a reality.  We closed on our new “downsized” townhouse in Kirkwood by January 2014 and sold our big house on Monroe Avenue by June.  This was the single move required to help us continue with the plans of our Colorado home away from home, which is scheduled to start in spring of 2016.  The Garage with Guest Quarters, started in spring 0f 2013 and completed in spring of 2014, and the Barn with Solar System, completed in Summer of 2014, stand tall viewing the mountains of Colorado.

We called our new second home the Lionhead Ranch.  Got the name from a round pre-cast stone lionhead that was salvaged from an old building demolished for a new project we had won with my architect partner Tom; he with Cannon and me with Clayco.  It’s a fitting name because I truly believe that Lionhead Ranch represents the salvation of my 3rd third.  There will be another life for me yet filled with grown children, beautiful mountains and wildlife, hard work on my terms, maybe grandkids, great friends and Ann.  Lionhead is a real dream coming true for me.  It’s a blessing to be living through this experience now and for years to come but more importantly Lionhead will be something my children and their children will always have to enjoy and call theirs.  Live and love life.

P. Kirk Warden

After the death of two family friends I began to embrace the perspective that life is limited and precious.  As I enter, what Kirk calls the “3rd third” of our lives; I am very grateful to have found a little piece of heaven at Lionhead Ranch. It is a place where I can relax, get re-charged and find balance in my life. The mountains bring a peacefulness that is in direct contrast to the distractions of daily life making my time at Lionhead even sweeter.

I am excited about collecting experiences and creating memories with our children and their children.  Sharing a legacy that will one day be theirs.  Enjoying priceless time together laughing with friends and family.  But most importantly Lionhead gives me a chance to slow down and the opportunity to remember what is really important in life.
-Ann Warden

Lionhead is….

Inspired ideas
Efficient energy
Dreams come to life

Lion, a symbol for wisdom and strength. Seek out the Lion when you need courage and strength, he will show you the ways in which you have not yet imagined.

Lionhead is an oasis, a refuge from the stresses brought on by life, a shelter from the storm. A place to find peace, a place to discover the insides without distractions or influences.

In the midst of a world where chaos is at every corner, steadfast dedication and determination toward a goal has shown through in all colors to bring the idea of Lionhead into existence.

Lionhead is a long life of hard work and commitment. A foundation full of compassion and built on selfless acts by an unbelievable man, husband, father, friend, brother and son.
-Taylor M. Warden

Lionhead marks the passage of lifetime for me; a passage from childhood into manhood, a journey of self-enlightenment, of humility and appreciation. Lionhead is proof of the American dream, the idea that with passion, conviction, and humility one can achieve his dreams; grasp everything his childhood imagination conjured and more. Everything I have is a result of where I come from; a home full of care and grace, A family full of love. I was taught that no one is perfect and we all have demons inside of us, but that same man has also provided an example of enormous courage and righteousness. Lionhead is his ultimate slaying of his demon, his Mount Everest. I was also taught to follow my heart before anything that having a strong moral compass would reign supreme over mounds of riches or glory. Lionhead is that reminder.

Lionhead is the legacy of my parents. And that they, unlike many before them, will see it come to life; will shape and admire it, as they rightfully deserve. Lionhead is a place that my sister and I will always cherish and use as a great reminder of our blessings, ensuring our endless humility.

-Charlie M. Warden

kw tom
Tom Harvath

Tom Harvath was a great friend and role model to me. He worked tirelessly and was a great father and husband. He was my steady influence of how to be calm and polite while working through tough times. I’m a better man because of you. Thanks.

kw greg
Greg Smith

Greg Smith with wife, Mary Beth. One of the greatest people I have ever known. The world was better while you walked with us but you still live with everyone who knew you as a guiding light of good.

kw dad
Charles R. Warden

Love you and miss you Dad. You are still my compass. Wish my kids could have experienced your kindness and compassion.

kw mom
Martha S. Warden

Love you, you were a remarkable woman. I think you were ahead of your time, maybe stifled by a world not ready for someone with your potential. Thanks for being mom.

kirks sister
Denise Warden Laham

My older sister. A true soft spot in my otherwise calloused exterior persona. Love her, miss her and wish I would have spent more time with her as we grew older. Hope she is enjoying a beautiful garden, wonderful kitchen to create and visiting all of the worldly places she dreamed about. Hope she is with our dad, who she adored, looking down smiling at our silly daily worries. Love you big sis…